Growth Consulting

“MSME sector plays a vital role in the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation, industrial production, and export earnings.”

Growth Consulting

MSME sector plays a vital role in the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation, industrial production, and export earnings.

There are more than 10 lakh SMEs in India and all
these companies are looking for professional support to fulfil their aspirations of growth and transformation.
However, the biggest challenge is… how?

For large organizations, they can either hire professionals or consultants to help them build a strategic road map to achieve the desired results. They also have a team who can implement the initiatives planned.

However for mid-size companies it is difficult, due to large investment in hiring professionals or consultants. They also have concerns like secrecy related to product & technology, bandwidth of the second level team for implementation, ownership and accountability of the consultants.

The Challenge

  1. Limited access to finance
  2. Inability to Attract & retain talent
  3. Market Access and Globalization
  4. Lack of Innovation
  5. Operation & Supply Chain Challenges
  6. Limited Long term Strategy
  7. Ad-hoc way of working & Fire Fighting

Why Leap2Excel

We at Leap 2 Excel Consulting are a group of professionals who have worked with various large & medium size organizations in India and globally.

We engage with organisations, for “transformation through human development” by helping them build strategies, systems & skills. We strongly believe – Top Line is driven by a motivated team coupled with a process that is able to manage customer expectations & customer lifecycle management.

The 6 core areas we specialise in are Leadership, Strategy, Customer & Market, Operations, Human Asset and Finance. They all are integrated into our key offering “Growth Consulting”.

Some of our salient Features are : –
1. We have served more than 50 SMEs till date in their growth & transformation journey.
2. Long term association with these companies.
3. Customized and Result-Oriented Approach

Our Approach

1. Diagnostic Study – Initial assessment at the Customer end, where our cross functional team will visit & understand more about the organization, their aspirations, internal & external challenges & the systems & processes followed by them across functions.

2. Observation Sharing – Sharing our insights from the findings and information gathered in the form of SWOT analysis with the Top Management of the company, together with areas of improvement where we can contribute.

3. Define Priorities – We identify & agree on the actionables & Co-Create the Implementation Plan ensuring effective time management, decision-making, and resource allocation.

4. Handholding & Execution – We closely work with the execution team to help them overcome challenges, enhance their capabilities, and achieve sustainable growth.

5. Review & Support – By taking a holistic approach that combines support, review, feedback, and strategic alignment, to contribute to the success of the execution team and help them achieve their goals.

Our Offerings

1. Vision, Mission, and Value Workshop

2. Growth Strategy Development

3. Sales and Marketing Optimization

4. Drive Cost optimization and profit maximization initiatives

5. Building agility in business operations

6. Develop Organisational capabilities in terms of people, systems,and processes to drive sustainable growth

7. Risk Management framework

8. Reporting framework to measure and monitor performance

9. Building suitable costing systems to drive decision making