
“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.”

Leadership System

Primary role of Senior Leadership is to ensure organization succeeds, now as well as in the future. Key elements for organizational success are

  • Setting vision & values,
  • Consistently communicating them,
  • Creating and balancing value for all stakeholders, and
  • Creating an organizational focus on action, ensuring organization’s structure and culture fosters purpose.

One of the key responsibility of leadership team is to create an environment for empowerment, agility, change, and learning.

The Challenge

Every organisation has top team and many of them deliver the desired results. In spite of having positive intention, many companies have capable and charismatic leader at the top, but do not have Effective Leadership System throughout the organisation. This leads to many questions/challenges as follows:

  • What organisation structure company should have, is it in line with needs and strategies?
  • Are we a TOP Heavy organisation?
  • How do we develop mindset and culture at Leadership Level to cater to current and future business requirements?
  • How do I know, our Leadership team is effective?
  • How do we build second line leadership, capable of handling VUCA world?
  • How do we create culture of Innovation and Change?
  • Our change initiatives fail, Leaders do not own them?

Why Leap2Excel

In the Leadership System practice, we have consultants who have extensively worked at TOP team of Large and mid-sized organisation. They have collective experience of 100+ years, being part of TOP Teams and leading organisations to accelerated growths.

They work closely with the Senior Management of the client to identify critical success factors and then design the appropriate solutions to improve Leadership Potential Utilisation and Effectiveness. Our experts closely hand holds our clients in the successful transformation of Leadership Team.

Our Offerings

  • Organization Structure: Understand the organizational Long and short term goals and propose / create effective TOP Team structure, helping leadership team to drive strategies leading to accelerated profitable growth.
  • Organizational Culture: Study the current organizational culture and identify changes required to meet organizational goals and deliverables. Create and rollout culture change initiatives. Create awareness and ownership of culture at Leadership Level.
  • Succession Planning: Identifying a specific set of High Potential /High Performer employees who can be a successor of a member at Leadership Team and develop successor for challenges at top team.
  • VMV Development: A process to arrive at organisational Vision, Mission and Values, through interacting with leaders and key people in the organisation.
  • VMV Deployment: Effective process to communicate and deploy VMV of the organisation to every employee, ensuring VMV is practiced in day today life of organisation, and it becomes part of the culture of the organisation.
  • Top Team Alignment: A process to study and determine how the top management team works and comes across as a team and suggesting modifications in style if any.
  • Leadership Effectiveness feedback: Developing a 360 degree leadership effectiveness process for TOP Team. Handhold senior management in developing sustainable, effective Individual development process at TOP Team.
  • Development and Assessment Centers: For identifying strengths and development areas for first and second level of the leadership. This helps in understanding Leadership Effectiveness towards delivering organizational goals. AC/DC is an intense activity spread over a day or two to identify development opportunities for individuals in their current role.
  • Talent Review: A process to look at all the key people in the organization and determine the overall suitability in line with the organizational goals and deliverables.
  • Executive Coaching: A process of one to one interactions with Leaders within the organization to help them develop themselves and reach their full potential.