Human Asset

“People are the single biggest competitive advantage a company has because you cannot replicate them.”


  • Workforce Capability and Capacity – Right person, with right skills in right position. Attracting right talent and inducting them in the culture of the organisation.
  • Performance Management focusing on organisational growth and individual development. Motivating employees through effective engagement resulting into higher performance.
  • Ensuring Compensation and recognition motivates employees for higher performance. Human asset development in line with the current and future needs of organisation.
  • Individual learning and development towards unleashing their full potential. Ensuring individual mindsets and organisational culture supports in growth of the organisation.

The Challenge

In spite of having good understanding of HR Management many companies and entrepreneurs have different questions in mind about the direction and choices.

  • What organisation structure company should have, is it inline with needs and strategies? What will be right size for our company?
  • How shall we identify high potential employee and develop them for future responsibilities?
  • Our Performance Management doesn’t support business growth?
  • Our training need identification, doesn’t throws real needs?
  • How do we develop mindset and culture at Leadership Level to cater to business requirements?
  • How do we attract and retain performers?How do we ensure organisational changes are sustained over longer period?
  • How do we ensure organisational changes are sustained over longer period? How do we build second line of leadership, capable of handling VUCA world?
  • How do we create culture of Innovation and Change?

Why Leap2Excel

Our diverse industry and functional experience helps us in developing Excellence through synergy with the client. Our integrated approach addresses visible and invisible elements of transformation at individual and organizational level.

In the Human Asset practice, we have consultants with expertise in all areas of People processes and Leadership systems and they work closely with the Top Management of the client to identify critical success factors and then design the appropriate solution and hand hold our clients in the implementation and transformation journey.

Our Offerings

  • Organization Structure: Understand the organizational goals and deliverables and support them in creating an appropriate structure for the same.
  • Job Descriptions: Develop Job Descriptions for all key positions including role, key competencies and key requirements to be able to deliver on the job
  • Organizational Culture: Study the organizational culture and identify changes required to meet organizational goals and deliverables. Create and rollout culture change initiatives.
  • OD (Organizational Development) Interventions: Look at specific problem areas and create an intervention that will support in changing the same.
  • Performance Management Process: Create a Performance Management process inclusive of target setting, annual / half yearly / quarterly reviews as required, feedback mechanism and a Rating scale.
  • Balanced Scorecard: Design and implement the Balance Scorecard methodology to enable the organization to achieve breakthrough results.
  • Performance Enhancement Program: Create a program to work with Poor / non-performers to enable them to perform at a level desired by the organization and if that does not work develop a fair and equitable exit module.
  • Employee Policies: Create employee policies in line with organizational requirement and linked to employee engagement.
  • Reward and Recognition: Total Reward Management: Develop a comprehensive Reward and Recognition policy including increments, awards, recognition methodologies but excluding variable pay
  • Variable Pay Programs: Create Short term (annual) and long term (3 to 5 year) variable pay programs including stock options
  • Work Level Analysis: Study the organizational requirements and identify the number of distinct work levels required within the organization.
  • Job Evaluation: Evaluate each job using a predefined matrix based on organizational need and then create a grade structure to enable various jobs to be placed in a particular grade.
  • Transition Acceleration Program: A program to help people who grow into higher roles (individual performer to a manager of people or manager of people to manager of teams) within 100 days of transition.
  • HR Gurukul: A program to enhance and develop the capabilities of HR professionals to be able to support the organizational needs.
  • Millennial’s Program: A program to help managers in companies manage, motivate, retain and develop the new generation.
  • Leading in a Matrix: Developing skills and capabilities in people to work in a matrix organization where there are more than one reporting relationships.
  • Competency Framework: Developing a framework of competencies that are critical for the organization and if required linking the same to various jobs.
  • Development Centers: An activity spread over a day or two to identify development opportunities for individuals in their current role.
  • Assessment Centers: An activity spread over a day or two to identify potential of individuals and accordingly create information for succession planning.
  • Career Planning: Developing a career planning matrix which enables employees to understand what are the different roles they can aspire for and what are the competencies required for the same.
  • Succession Planning: Identifying a specific set of employees who can be a successor for a particular role and the development aspects they need to focus on to be ready for the same.
  • 360-degree feedback: Developing a process to collect feedback on an individual from self, manager, peers and subordinates and sharing the same with the individual.
  • High Potential Identification: An activity to determine who within the organization have high potential and then to create a process for tracking and supporting them to achieve their potential
  • Talent Review: A process to look at all the key people in the organization and determine the overall suitability in line with the organizational goals and deliverables.
  • Coaching: A process of one to one interactions with individuals within the organization to help them develop themselves and reach their full potential.
  • HR Strategy: Helping the organization create a HR strategy in line with the overall organizational strategy.
  • HR Audit: Do an audit of the HR processes and suggest changes in line with organizational needs and requirements. Help organisations to deploy changes successfully on the ground.
  • CSR (Corporate Social responsibility) Effectiveness: review the CSR strategy of the organization and suggest ideas in line with regulation and what is appropriate considering the values of the organization.